This is my positive image of America.
It's an American Red Cross aid worker in Haiti after the Earthquake that hit in February 2010. America is involved with sending troops to war, making decisions that could effect probably half of the worlds population on a daily basis but when another country needs help, they are one of the first ones on the scene. I love the message it sends, that although they are sometimes working agaisnt other countries, when it comes down to it, they will be there for them in desperate times to offer their upmost support in every way. It shows not only a unity as a world, but for Americans as a nation. Within four days of the Haiti Earthquake, Americans alone had given $150 million for aid work.

The people who have these in their cars do not know about Islam or about the group who carried out 9/11 at all. The Al-Qaeda are not Muslims, nor do they follow Islamic rules or beliefs. Americans need to be able to look past the attack and instead of blaming the easiest target group, understand it properly, which I personally believe they should do, as it's one of the most monumental stages in their history.
The image that they are showing to the next generations is not one of unity. They are disrespecting a community who have not done anything wrong. The idea of Islamphobia in America is disgusting. They use the terms "Islam terrosits" and "violent Islam" but the only outcome of this, is that they are isolating the wrong community. The group that they should be targetting are ones who have no faith, even though they are commonly known as "extreme Mulsims"; they are not.
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