Overall De Crevecouer portrays America as ‘modern, peaceful and benign’. He sees the USA as a new land in which possibilities are endless due to the absence of many restraints, especially of the religious, territorial and religious type. The fact that we follow the life of a farmer in the letters metaphorically epitomizes the general American ethos: that they are a nation of grafters that make things happen for themselves; a self-sufficient population in which each person works hard to provide for their own.
The states of America are also described as ‘the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity, which flourish in Europe’. It is almost depicted as Europe’s ‘brain-child’, a place that so called ‘enlightened Englishmen’ went to set up a new, better land – a version that was superior to Europe. It is in America where inventions are created all in novel. Europe is also described as having ‘so many useless plants’ can also be seen both in a literal and metaphorical sense: having useless plants due to the supposedly infertile soil, and also as Europe being a very ornate place, but not so practical. The US, still in the present day, likes to pride their nation on being very practical and hands-on. Furthermore Europe may not be seen as a place that allows ‘plants’ to flourish, and with ‘no aristocratical families’ in the USA everyone is supposedly equal, born with equal opportunities (more so than any other country), and has just as much of a chance to succeed it they are prepared to be a grafter and sow their own seeds.
I used the ‘www. tiffany.com’ website, (also known as Tiffany & Co.) to represent the USA. As they are one of the biggest jewellery establishments in America and well known for their customised jewellery and shiny diamonds, I feel that this shows how the ‘self-sufficient farmer’ in a new land has grown and expanded since then, to become an internationally recognised multi-million dollar empire. The idea and connotation of diamonds also is one of wealth and success which concurs with De Crevecouer's idea of America. Diamonds are instantly recognised, especially those of 'Tiffany & Co., and so is the portrayed 'American Dream' style way of life of America.
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