Wednesday 10 November 2010

2008 sees an illegitimate candidate run for President of the United States ...

Koichi Toyama is a "Extreme Left Anti-Establishment" supporter. He had famously announced, a year before his campaign as the President for the United States of America, that he hates Japan, describing the country as a "horrible nation" and does not see that any improvement can occur for his country. He declared all voters that participate in Japan's national voting scheme as his "enemies", and subsequently tries to start an uprising using a minority group. He also demands the overthrow of the Japanese Government.

A year later in his 2008 video he declares that the United States has a global hegemony. However he is evidently not eligible to vote.

This shows, for me, how the rest of the world desperately wants to be involved in American politics despite it's out-of-date system. Although there is a comical aspect to the video, it also shows how the rest of the world view America as a superpower, one in which if they gained control of, would be able to have significant international influence. The love/hate relationship that many non-Americans have with America as a country is also apparent in this video.

Ironically he then goes on to object to the USA's existing foreign policy about how they are getting to involved in other countries, such as Iraq. This may have, if he was actually allowed to run for President, have won him votes as many Americans would like the USA to take a more 'isolated' approach to international affairs and focus more on fortifying their own country, securing its place as a superpower. Furthermore his mention of significant and well known American capitalist companies such as McDonalds and Coca Cola would have also appealed to a younger audience, something that actual US candidates could learn from in order to strengthen their campaigns.

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