Monday 15 November 2010

Tea Party Anthem.

For this week’s blog, I have chosen to show a video of the Tea Party’s Anthem by Lloyd Marcus. Lloyd wrote this anthem as the original National Rallying Cry of the Tea Party Movement against president Obama's outrageous government over reaching stimulus package.

The version that I have posted is a remake of the original, which got over a million views on YouTube.

Lloyd Marcus is now a spokesperson and entertainer of the Tea Party Movement, along with being an artist, singer, production designer and musical producer (he helped produce the CD called “Americans Tea Party Anthems”).

His background is one of controversy, as he grew up in Baltimore, and as he developed into adulthood, he became addicted to drugs, alcohol and girls. He went onto marry a white lady, Mary, which was challenging for a lot of their community. Neither family attended the wedding, and most said that if they saw Lloyd on the street they would shoot him. But, regardless, they helped each other kick their addictions, had a daughter and are still married.

Going back to the video; it focuses on all of the main Tea Party values. Being against a large government and believing that their money should not be given to those who cannot get out of their “easy-chair”. I don’t really think you could call poverty and easy chair.

They believe that Obama, being a socialist is killing the American Dream and all that it stands for. The Tea Party understand that they may be called racists, but tell themselves not to let it affect them. Which, I agree with partially; because, they disagree with Obama and the democrats values, that doesn’t mean they are racist. They would still be against the propositions if a white person was president.

They talk about the constitution and take what it says very literal, but in a way, I agree with Jefferson who believed that each generation should mould it as everyday our world and their country is changing and evolving. But the Tea Party believes that anyone who disagrees and goes against the constitution should leave their country.

I disagree when they say that “so-called peace crowds” advocate violence.

They want to vote out clowns who don’t love America and believe they have to take a stand against these politicians who are taking their hard-earned money.

The video itself uses a variety of photos, cartoons and videos to boost their image and what they stand for. Considering it was posted last year, some of the cartoons and videos seem out-dated, which I feel links back to them believing that the past is the way forward. The photos voice their opinions and back up what they have to say about Obama, Democrats and what America is turning into.

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