Tuesday 16 November 2010

Bill Maher + The Tea Party.

This week, I chose this video of Bill Maher, on 23rd April 2010, seemingly destroying the Tea Party. I say destroying, I do mean he is utterly making a fool of them. I saw a tiny clip of this from the Documentary we watched in the lecture on Monday and thought it was quite a powerful clip.

He puts on a so called "Teabagger" hat, teabags included. This is a clear sign on him mocking the way they have organised their party by distinguishing themselves as "Founding Fathers". He does agree to one of their statements of decreasing the National Debt. Which in a way, is a pretty fair demand. Yet he goes onto say that the Tea Party "want money for nothing and chicks for free." which is a way of saying that they want to deregulate the free markets and keep their jobs, guaranteed health coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions, yet without a government mandate. Maher is clearly stating the Tea Party's demands, yet they are contradicting themselves, as they are getting a health care reform, one that they would want, but with this Government mandate they are refusing it. It seems that the Tea Party want this grand schemes to help America, yet do not want to comply with the current government and pay the necessary taxes.

Bill Maher also likens America to a family, who need to cut spending, yet do not want to. He says, that the mother still goes on shopping sprees, and the dad pays for this "big stupid boat". This is in direct reference to the military spending, where he completely criticises it, saying that the weapons being researched and built are not needed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Bill Maher clearly puts the Tea Party into their place, by generally picking out their arguments and routinely making fun of them and correcting them.

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