Tuesday 9 November 2010

And that's the bottom line, because Linda McMahon said so...

Linda McMahon up until 2009 was known as the wife of Vicent Kennedy McMahon, the owner of WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) and she held the position of CEO in the WWE, but as she decided to campaign to be the US Senator from Connecticut. Linda ran for the position as the Republican representative because she just couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore.

Linda when initially starting her campaign announced that she would spend up to $50 million dollars of her own money to fund her campaign, which would enable her to run entirely her ideas as she would not need to accept any endorsements. One of her bitter rivals Rob Simmons on various occasions accused her of trying to "buy the election". Her spendings seemed to work against her as although she assembled a very well structured team for her campaign, her well written speeches were accussed of being too scripted and people began to feel that she was just another face for senator.

McMahon came under much scrutiny regarding her former position as CEO onboard the WWE corporation, as in the past the WWE, formely known as the WWF had many storylines which were degrading towards females, and explicitly violent. The storylines that were degrading to women, worked very strongly against her as many videos were made to slander her campaign.

Linda McMahon lost to Democrat Richard Blumenthal who recieved 55.1% of the votes, she has vowed "not to fade into the woodwork however it seems unlikely she will run again due to the money she spent not making her succeed.

We see through these videos how much of the focus was on her position as CEO of WWE and how she tries to belittle it to make it seem acceptable that she had no issues with some of the storylines that happened.

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