Tuesday 16 November 2010

Tea Party Rally Song

For this weeks Blog task I have chosen to show a video of the Tea Party's Rally Song by J Robbie. Robbie wrote this song about the government giving "our America away".

This song has not got many views on YouTube, however, it provides many of the Tea Party's views. Robbie describes himself as an average American citizen. He believe in God, family, and treating people fairly. He admits that he has never been very political, but he does believe Americans should close their borders for security reasons. He believes they should replace politicians that have forgotten why they are there in the first place, be allowed to keep and bear arms to protect their families, support their military and bring the jobs back to America.

The Video
The video focuses on all the main Tea Party values. They are against a large government and higher taxes. The video goes on to talk about illegal immigration. On the hole they realise that America is a big melting pot of all different cultures and they say "we don't mind sharing what we've got" but ultimately they want everyone to be legal and not claim from the government and take jobs.

The next part is about gun control. This issue is a very sore point in the Tea Part's views. This is the second amendment in the Constitution and they still think this tradition need to live on. In the video it says "you can try and try but you will never take my guns away from me". The Tea Party believe they are needed to protect their families and keep the country free.

The Tea Party think that the Government is taking away every American's rights a little more each day and they "need to stand up and take it back". This video produces a range of arguments to support the Tea Party's views and they are definatly going to put up a fight to make the change happen.

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